12th January 2021
We drove around the corner from the campsite that we stayed in last night to the general store to pay the $5 fee for the night, then went on our way.

We drove through Smithton and along the Montagu Road. There was a campsite there right at the northwest tip of the island, but there were a lot of long-term residents there and it didn’t seem overly friendly. It was also much too early to be setting up!
There was a sign along the road for the Preminghana Indigenous Protected Area so we drove down there. Oh my goodness, what a good idea that was - it was gorgeous! We had a bit of fun down there, parking the Landy in some good spots for photos.

Next we headed to the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area, where Josh paid for a 4wd permit so we spent the afternoon 4wd-ing around the beaches – beautiful, fun, and a little scary at times! The beaches were so wild, windy and there were few people around. Also very little in the way of houses, with only a handful of fishing shacks to be seen. We drove along the Sarah Anne Rocks Road and to our camp, called Camp Elsewhere.

We had dinner at camp, then set out at golden hour to a beach nearby that we had visited earlier today. We stayed until dark, and took some sunset photos. What a great day!