DAY 15
29th December 2020
We dropped into Tentworld in Canberra early in the morning – we wanted another sleeping solution as neither of us was sleeping very well and we were getting cranky with each other. We ended up buying a sleeping mat and small pop-up tent, and I bought a sleeping bag (the BEST purchase of the whole trip!).
We then took a drive through the Namadgi National Park. It had been badly burnt fairly recently, and the trees were mostly sticks. Some were recovering, however.
I wanted to do the Settlers Track, which was a really great walk. We visited three different homesteads in the National Park, they were all so nice! It was a really lovely walk, but after 9km, we were grateful to get back into the car and head to our campsite for the night.
We had decided to drive to Bredbo, on the NSW side of the border, and camp beside a pub for the night. Camping was free and showers were $5 each, so we definitely paid for those after our walk! We had showers then went to the pub for dinner. Josh set up the tent and we both had a peaceful night’s sleep!
DAY 16
30th December 2020
We spent the morning driving back to Tentworld in Canberra – Josh was unhappy with the amount of light that had come in the tent this morning. We bought a new blackout one, so hopefully won’t have that problem again.
We drove to Jindabyne and bought a 24 hour National Parks pass. We had booked the Ngarigo campsite in the national park and we must have taken one of the very last sites, as it was really busy. The sites that were left were pretty bad, and they didn’t tell you anything online regarding what you could fit in the specific campsites. For example, when we were all set up and enjoying the afternoon, several big rigs came in having obviously booked sites online and then struggled to get into them. Later in the afternoon, there were also a lot of people who were obviously crashing there for the night. It was really cold in the night time!