I saved the best part of Dublin ’til last – the book of Kells and the Old Library at Trinity College. I’ve been wanting to see both for quite some time, and I was the first one there – I wanted to get in when it opened and get a photo of the Library without people. However, since the Book of Kells was first, that plan didn’t really work because I stopped to look at the book. Disappointingly, it was open to one page and you weren’t able to turn the pages or see anything else (I guess that’s the problem with having a book on display). But it was gorgeous, so detailed and perfect. Other people were just whizzing past me to get to the library but I kept leaning over the book. I’m sure the security guards thought I was a little crazy.
Anyway, I finally made it to the library and it was SO DARK inside. My camera and I both struggle with dark interiors – it gets really noisy at higher ISOs (and I mean REALLY), and I’m too shaky to hold the camera at a lower speed and ISO. So, please forgive my grainy photos, but take away from them how utterly gorgeous the library at Trinity College is!
Afterwards, I took a little stroll around Dublin before heading back to the airport for my flight to London. Ireland definitely surprised me. It was a lot more sunny than I’d been told (though I think I was very lucky with that), the landscapes were utterly breath-taking, and it was full of friendly, happy people. I would definitely go back there!