I had seen this lovely bridge on Instagram many times and wanted to go and visit it in person. It turned out that it was not very far away from Chur, so in the early morning I jumped on a train and headed to the nearby village of Filisur.
To get to Filisur, you actually had to go over the bridge on the train so my first view of it was actually while I was travelling over it! I was the only person who got off at the train station and I set off along little roads until I got to a snowy track. There was a loop walk to the viaduct and back that went through forests and along a river, so that's what I was doing! It was super pretty too.

It turned out that there were actually two viaducts next to each other, though the Landwasser one is special as it comes out of a cliff and goes back into a cliff. I got to a viewing platform and waited for a train. Unlike the viaduct at Glenfinnan where I went in June this year and decided not to wait for the Harry Potter train, these trains ran much more regularly - there was one every half an hour or so. So it wasn't long before one came chugging along.

Excitement of the train over, I had a bit of a look around the area before walking back to Filisur train station.

I got back to the train station without a hassle and caught a train onwards to a village called Bergün. I wanted to do a walk around here too, but it was uphill and very slippery. I managed to get about 1/3 the way up the hill then called it quits - it was only two days earlier that I had slipped and I was still not feeling 100%. I gingerly made my way back downhill, taking the road instead of the footpath that I walked up because it was less of a slope and seemed less slippery. Honestly, I have developed a complex of slipping in snow - first Iceland, then twice in Norway, once in London and once in Switzerland. Ouch.

I hopped back on the train and went back to Chur. I was starving by the time I got back to my hotel room, as I hadn't had any lunch so I had a cup of tea with some snacks I had in my bag. Classy hey! I set about looking for a restaurant to eat dinner - I was sick of stodgy food so I decided to go to a Thai restaurant. It was nice for a change of taste, but it was expensive and not particularly "Thai" either!