After the Matthias church, I decided to explore the rest of the "castle". You see, the whole of that hillside is classified as the castle - the bastion, the church, the museums.
The next stop was to be the Citadella in the big park. To get there, I had to walk down Castle Hill, along the banks of the Danube, and then back up a hill again. And boy what a steep hill that was! I was knackered up the top, but the view as great. I ordered a placki (potato pancake thing) from a stall at the top, but it was HUGE!
After munching on that for a bit, I headed back downhill to the Gellert Hotel. I had brought my swimming costume and was going to go to the baths, but it was so cold outside, the thought of getting undressed and wet and losing my heat was very unappealing. So I kept on to the central market, then along the other side of the Danube while the sun was setting. Budapest then treated me to a gloriously gradiented pink and blue sky!