After spending the morning in Aix, the next stop was Arles. I went from being a bit unsure of Aix to completely falling in love with Arles. What an incredible place it is. There was so much Roman history there - from a coliseum to lots of broken bits all around.
Not only that, but Arles had the best and most photogenic doorways! I'll have to put these in the next post, but if you like colourful doorways as much as me... well, you're in for a treat!
Arles most famous resident was Vincent van Gogh, who moved here to paint - over 300 paintings including some of his most famous ones were painted in Arles. He left to go to the hospital at St-Remy (which I also went to) for his mental health.
I would definitely go back and spend more time there. The few hours I had weren't enough!

This last photo is Chateau d'Estoublon in the little village of Fontvieille. I spent the night in a lovely caravan park and they had the nicest campground staff that I experienced in my journey around France!