The idea with moving to the UK from Australia was to travel as much as possible. I chose Scotland as my first trip as it was in the same country, used the same money, spoke the same language, etc. It was an easy adventure.
So after work one Friday, I took a bus and a train down to Gatwick, was late, ran through the airport to get to my gate (a good start...), and the flight was delayed. So coughed my lungs out for the next half hour - I didn't have any water since going through security - and the plane finally showed up an hour late!
We got to Edinburgh and I decided to take a cab instead of public transport - it had already been a stressful afternoon. The taxi driver spoke to me in such a strong accent that I have no idea what he was talking about (sorry!) but smiled and nodded nonetheless.
The next day, I went exploring - I took a walking tour of Edinburgh, went to all the touristy places, then caught the sunset before going to a very lovely dinner at Maison Bleue - their haggis balls and whisky sauce starter... TO DIE FOR!