We left Lake Awoonga and drove to the coast.

Agnes Water was first but it was so busy! We went to the Paperbark Walk there – it was so pretty and we went around twice. It was lovely and peaceful, but there were some feral kids trying to run the path and pushing people out of the way which wasn't cool. 

We then went to 1770, where Cook first landed in Australia. Also busy but we went for a drive around then stopped in a park to have lunch.

We decided to go back to Lake Awoonga for the night, as we hadn't driven too far away and it was a great campsite. It was a little busier when we went back there and we didn’t have as good a spot as we’d had the night before – on a bit of a hill. But we went for a walk at golden hour along the lake and flew the drone over and it was so gorgeous. Such a beautiful place.