DAY 101
25th March 2021
The wind got worse during the day so at about lunchtime, we called it quits on Ningaloo. It was probably gusting at about 60 or 70km/h, enough to knock my chair over. We struggled to pack away the awning (mostly in between gusts) but got it sorted eventually. Then we drove to Yardie Creek to have a look. It was so windy that I was being sandblasted around the ankles and it was stinging. Took a few photos but it was really unpleasant.

We drove back around the top to Exmouth then onwards to Shothole Gorge, where I’d wanted to visit.

We then took the Charles Knife road and holy shit that was sketchy but some incredible views. You were literally driving on the edge of two massive canyons!

We drove a long way that night, as there were no campsites nearby and we pulled up at a rest area with very little wind. We both breathed a sigh of relief and decided that nothing is worse, weather-wise, than wind. Noodles for dinner.

DAY 102
26th March 2021
Another day of driving a long way. We drove to Nantuka roadhouse for fuel then down to Parapurdoo and Tom Price. Both are mining towns with lots of units for accommodating the miners. They were both quite nice really – lots of grass and parks and big trees. It was hot so they were appreciated. At Tom Price, you could pay for showers so we both had $2 showers which was sooooo nice after all the sand and salty wind. We camped in the bush off the road for the night.