DAY 81

5th March, 2021

We left the site at 7:30am WA time (10:30am SA time) and got to the border about 5 minutes later. We went through the covid border check – we’d been in SA for just over 14 days but because we’d come from Victoria and NSW, they were making very sure of it! I thought we were going to be turned away! 

But they let us through and we then went through the fruit and veg quarantine – it left us with no fresh food though which was a little frustrating as there was nowhere nearby to buy any more.

We went to Eucla and got a coffee/tea there before driving 620km across the Nullabor and camped about 80km away from Norseman, again in the scrub. 

The highlight of the day was a Golden Gaytime, which I picked up at a roadhouse along the way! 


DAY 82

6th March, 2021

Drove through Norseman to get fuel and continued south towards Esperance. We stopped at the supermarket and then went to the visitors centre to get a parks pass and fill up the water tanks.

It was lunchtime so we stopped at a park to eat lunch then drove to our campground at Dunn’s Rocks in Cape Le Grand National Park. We camped right on the beach, tucking in a gap between dunes. There was not much wind about (hooray!) but it was drizzly – nothing too bad. It was such a lovely spot with white sand and bright blue water.